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Catalan should not be the only main language of instruction for small children, says Spain’s Supreme Court


The tribunal declares null and void the 2008 Catalan government decree which stated that Catalan “should be used as the language of instruction” for pupils between 3 and 6 years old. The Supreme Court also overturned the article that banned the separation of pupils for linguistic reasons and the one that established that teachers should guarantee that foreign pupils learn Catalan in order to achieve “rapid integration”. The Catalan minister for Education, Irene Rigau, says “all stays the same” because the education law is newer than the decree affected by the ruling and also states that Catalan is the language of instruction in Catalonia.

June 27, 2012 11:48 PM

Manuel Castells awarded the Holberg Prize, considered Sociology’s Nobel


The Barcelona-raised sociologist Manuel Castells has received the 2012 Holberg International Memorial Prize in Bergen, Norway. This award is considered to be the equivalent of a Nobel Prize in the field of sociology. The jury considered his book ‘Communication Power’ to be “essential for a new understanding of politics”. Castells holds the Wallis Annenberg Chair at the University of Southern California, he is Research Professor at Catalonia’s distance-learning university (UOC) and Professor Emeritus at the University of California (Berkeley).

June 7, 2012 11:46 PM

The Ministry of Defence will maintain the Pyrenees’ military academy of Talarn open

Adrià Attardi

After some months of uncertainty about the future of this training centre in the Pyrenees, the Spanish Government confirmed that NCOs will be able to continue their studies in the academy, although its activity will be reduced. In the last few months, the Platform for the Pyrenees University presented some alternative uses for these facilities, with the objective of converting them into a civilian academic centre. Another platform, Acadèmia Sí, was created at the same time to fight for the maintenance of the military academy, as it is one of the key actors in the local economy.

June 6, 2012 08:13 PM

PEN International’s Girona Manifesto defends linguistic rights and diversity


PEN International has presented at the Catalan Government’s Palace in Barcelona the Girona Manifesto on Linguistic Rights. Catalonia’s President regretted that the Catalan language still “suffers from the intolerance or belligerence of some bodies of the [Spanish] State”. The manifesto, which had its origins in the World Conference on Linguistic Rights held in Girona in 1996, aims to defend linguistic diversity throughout the world. The Manifesto has already been approved by the PEN General Assembly. The 10 point document has already been translated into 18 languages.

June 6, 2012 01:02 AM

‘Study in Catalonia’ presented at an international education fair in Houston


Catalan universities are present at the Annual Conference and Expo of the Association of International Educators (NAFSA), which is the world’s largest event of its kind. The conference is organised in the United States and this year’s edition is being held in Houston (Texas) until Friday June 1st. The website has been presented and aims to promote the studies offered by Catalan public and private universities worldwide. The presence of foreign students in postgraduate and master courses at Catalan universities increased by 34% in the last school year (2010-2011).

May 30, 2012 12:02 AM

Controversy surrounds Barcelona’s Immigrant Internment Centre after an intern’s death last January

CNA / Alberto Fernández

The death of a Guinean intern in the Immigrant Internment Centre (CIE) in Barcelona last January, plus the recent prohibition by the Spanish Government’s Delegate in Catalonia to allow the Catalan Ombudsman to visit the facilities of the centre, a month ago, has increased the feeling of distrust towards this type of institutions where immigrants without their residence permit are preventively held until they are sent back to their original countries.

May 25, 2012 01:46 AM

Massive demonstration in Barcelona in defence of public education

CNA / Lara Hitos

Teachers, administrative staff, students and parents have protested against budget cuts by the Spanish and Catalan Governments affecting primary, secondary and university education. The protest was organised throughout Spain. In Barcelona, 25,000 people according to the police and 150,000 people according to the organisers demonstrated through the city centre. Protests were also organised in other Catalan cities, such as Girona, Lleida and Tarragona.

May 22, 2012 08:31 PM

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