
Government guarantees bullfighting won’t return to Catalonia “regardless of the Constitutional Court”

October 20, 2016 06:27 PM | ACN

The Catalan Minister for Territory and Sustainability, Josep Rull, assured that the Government will do everything in its power to keep the ban on bullfighting in Catalonia, which has been reversed this Thursday by the Spanish Constitutional Court (TC). Rull insisted that the executive’s will is to have “a country in which those shows which imply death and animal torture will not be allowed”. The civic platform 'Prou!' (“Enough!” in Catalan), which presented the Popular Legislative Initiative to the Parliament that led to the prohibition of bullfighting in Catalonia, also reacted to the TC’s decision. The platform considered it “a shameful return to the past” and described it as a “political decision”. The TC considered the Parliament to have “exceeded its competences” and “restricted the citizens’ rights and freedoms” when banning bullfighting in 2010 and defines bullfighting as an “intangible cultural heritage”.

European Parliament urges Spain to stop Ebro basin plan after MEP assessment on the ground

July 13, 2016 08:00 PM | ACN

The European Parliament (EP) approved this Wednesday the assessment presented by a delegation of MEPs who visited the Ebro Delta on the 8th of February. In their report, the MEPs focused on the “lack of ecological flow” and questioned whether Spain’s Ebro Water Plan (PHE) was in compliance with community law. Catalan MEPs and the Platform for the Defence of the Ebro Delta (PDE) celebrated the decision but urged the European Commission to act “quickly, clearly and firmly” and stop the plan projected by the Spanish Government. Even so, PDE’s spokesperson Manolo Tomás and Susana Abella considered the EP’s decision to be “an important step toward modifying Spain’s Water Plan” and “recognition” of the social demonstrations of the last years.

MEPs visit the Ebro Delta to check whether Spain’s National Water Plan infringes European regulations

February 8, 2016 07:55 PM | ACN

Six MEPs from the Committee on Petitions visited the Ebro Delta, in Catalonia’s southern region of Tarragona, to meet the several petitioners who have claimed that Spain’s new National Water Plan (NWP) may infringe the EU Water Framework Directive. Environmentalists say one of Europe's most important wetland areas is under threat as Spain’s new Plan aims to reduce the river’s flow to 3,000 cubic hectometres per year and add 465,000 new hectares of irrigated lands to an already existing one million hectares, which will also contribute to cutting the sediment level dramatically. Besides the risk to the delta’s survival, the Platform for the Defence of the Ebro Delta (PDE) are worried that ultimately these waters could be transferred to other, drier regions of Spain. The visit of the EU delegation comes after 50,000 demonstrators took to the streets of Amposta in Catalonia on Sunday to protest against the plans.

The European Parliament urges the Spanish government to reduce “the unacceptable number of evictions”

October 8, 2015 06:56 PM | ACN

A wake up call from the European Parliament to the Spanish government regarding the evictions and the ‘preferential shares’ scandal, which offered high rates of return but ended up with thousands of savers unable to recover their money four years ago. MEPs approved this Thursday a resolution which urged Spain to “drastically” reduce “the unacceptable number of evictions” and to “supervise” whether the communitarian legislation in relation to mortgage loans is correctly applied in order to “solve the current problems and prevent abusive practices”. This resolution was approved on the same day that Spain’s Constitutional Court accepted the Spanish government’s appeal to stop the Catalan law which would fine the owners of empty flats and deal with the situations of housing emergency.