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20 years since the creation of Catalonia’s first private university, the Universitat Ramon Llull

CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) was created 20 years ago and brought together several prestigious educational institutions, such as ESADE, IQS and Blanquerna. Over the last 20 years, the university has gained recognition and is now on the European Association of Universities’ board. Banco Santander’s President Emilio Botín, the Spanish Minister for Education and the Catalan political class gathered for the 20th anniversary celebration.

May 12, 2011 03:57 PM

Immigrants bring more than they get out of the Welfare State, concludes a study


The study is funded by Catalan savings bank ‘la Caixa’ with data at Spanish-level. It reveals, contrary to xenophobic statements that immigrants bring more revenue to the state than the costs they generate. In addition, their presence also brings more services. “We came to the conclusion than the impact of immigration in the Welfare State is clearly positive”, states the coordinator of the study.

May 7, 2011 02:52 AM

Barcelona City Council bans nudity and semi-nudity on the streets

CNA / Rafa Garrido

The measure is a reaction to the large number of people, many of them tourists, who in the summer months only wear swim suits across the city or walk with their naked torso, even in the underground. The area next to the more than 5 kilometres of beaches is excluded from the ban, although complete nudity will also be banned. Four weeks before the municipal elections, the two main parties at Barcelona City Council have agreed on the measures.

April 30, 2011 04:22 PM

The 'Fundació Vicente Ferrer' and Barcelona’s Hospital Clínic decrease HIV/AIDS mortality in India

CNA / Ignacio Portela Giráldez

The NGO and Barcelona's ‘Hospital Clínic’ have helped decrease HIV/AIDS from 90% to 14% in India’s Anantapur District. Both organisations renewed their agreement for another four years. The combined efforts of both organisations have provided health coverage to 90% of HIV infected patients, similar to the rate registered in a developed country.

April 21, 2011 10:38 PM

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