Ferran Adrià's creative universe on show in Barcelona

'Ferran Adrià i elBulli. Risc, llibertat i creativitat' ('Ferran Adrià and elBulli. Risk, freedom and creativity') is on show in Barcelona to coincide with the Catalan chef’s 50th's anniversary and is the basis for a future museum in the Costa Brava town of Roses. The exhibition shows a huge number of texts, graphic documents and objects related to the history of the world’s most famous restaurant.

CNA / Marina Vicens

March 31, 2012 12:28 AM

Barcelona (ACN).- Ferran Adrià’s legacy to contemporary cuisine and his contribution to innovation and creativity is on show throughout 2012 at the Palau Robert in Barcelona.  'Ferran Adrià i el Bulli. Risk, freedom and creativity' is the basis for the future Center-Museum which will be built in Roses dedicated to the Catalan chef and his restaurant. The show has been produced by the Catalan Government and offers a huge number of text, graphic documents and objects related to the fascinating history of the restaurant. It will be on show in Barcelona until early January 2013. Then, this exhibition will be on show in New York and then in London.

Documents, images and tools

The exhibition, at the Palau Robert (in Barcelona’s Passeig de Gràcia), is a review of the avant-garde cuisine which consecrated Ferran Adrià as the world’s most influent cook over the last two decades. His local and international recognition, his origins, his style evolution, his consolidation, his creative spirit, the el Bulli Foundation project... are just some of the different areas around which the exhibition is structured.

Curated by Sebastià Serrano, the exhibition offers the original materials of the restaurant and graphic and text documents which explain the evolution of the chef and his restaurant. In addition, the design is also innovative, by Adrià’s request, who sees in this exhibition a seed for a larger project with Roses Town Hall for the construction of a Center-Museum in the Costa Brava town, dedicated to Adrià and el Bulli.

Among the elements exhibited, Albert Adrià, Ferran Adrià's brother and dessert chef at el Bulli, has expressed his predilection for the “chocolate box”, while his big brother chose the front page of the Financial Times, which announced the closing of El Bulli two years ago, because of the world repercussion of the news and the effect it caused on the management of the information about the Foundation project.

The exhibition is expected to receive 300,000 visitors. 171 schools have confirmed their interest in visiting the exhibition with students of different ages. Apart from this exhibition, parallel activities will be held, such as a lecture series with ESADE or projections of different audiovisual works about elBulli and Adrià.

Progress of elBulli Foundation

Ferran Adrià took the opportunity to talk about the Foundation he promotes under the name 'elBullifoundation', which he wants to turn into “the professional Wikipedia of high cuisine”. The chef revealed that 53 business schools from all over the world are now working on drawing the financial and organisational proposals for the Foundation. According to Adrià, the winner will be made known in July, and if everything goes well, building work on the foundation will start between September and October this year.

Beside from this subject, Adrià announced that the course he has given in Harvard University will continue next year.