Public transport fares to remain same in 2022
Zone 1 single ticket will continue at €2.40, 10-journey ticket at €11.35, and unlimited monthly trips at €40

The public transport fares in Catalonia will remain the same in 2022, as the Catalan government and Barcelona's metropolitan area transport authority (ATM) have decided to not increase prices for a second year in a row.
The measure was announced by the Catalan vice president, Jordi Puigneró, on Twitter after visiting the COP26.
A Glasgow s’ha constatat que és temps de fets i no més paraules.
— Jordi Pu1gnerO (@jordiPuignero) November 12, 2021
Hem acordat congelar els preus del transport públic per l’any 2022.
La lluita contra el canvi climàtic passa per descarbonitzar la mobilitat.
"The fight against climate change needs decarbonizing mobility," he said.
Zone 1 single ticket will continue at €2.40, the 10-journey ticket (T-Casual) at €11.35 and unlimited monthly one (T-Usual) at €40.
The quarterly ticket for under 25s (T-Jove) costs €80; an individual ticket for an unlimited number of journeys in one day (T-Dia), €10.50; a multi-person ticket for 8 journeys in 30 days (T-Familiar), €10; and a multi-person ticket for 70 journeys in 30 days (T-Grup), €79.45.
Single-parent and large families will still have to pay €32 for a T-Usual, €64 for a T-Jove, and €63.55 for a T-70/90.
Underground times back to normal
From September, there is an all-night metro service on Saturdays in Barcelona, while the opening hours from Sunday to Thursday are from 5 am until midnight, which is extended until 2 am on Fridays and the eve of bank holidays. These times are the pre-pandemic ones after a year and a half disrupted service.