Men earned €6,350 more than women in 2019

Average salary in Catalonia was €25,552, some €1,500 above Spain, but €3,000 less than the Basque Country

An employee attends a customer in a clothes shop in Reus, August 25, 2020 (by Eloi Tost)
An employee attends a customer in a clothes shop in Reus, August 25, 2020 (by Eloi Tost) / ACN

ACN | Barcelona

September 25, 2020 11:29 AM

The gender pay gap continued in 2019, as men working in Catalonia earned on average 6,350.35 more than women.

According to data published by Spain's statistics institute (INE) on Thursday, the gross salary of men was on average 28,640.25, while that of women was significantly lower: 22,289.90.

Yet, while men's wages increased 1.1% compared to 2018, women's surged 2.2%, meaning that Catalan workers saw their pay grow by 1.5% on average.

Workers in Catalonia are the fourth-highest earners in Spain, behind the Basque Country (€28,470), Madrid (€27,010) and Navarra (€26,364), and above the Spanish average, €24,009 in 2019.

Wide gap at the bottom and for best-paid employees

In February this year, the Catalan labor and social affairs department published a report saying that women earned 23% less than men in 2017, a 0.4% smaller pay gap than the year before.

Over all, the report found that half of women earned around €18,000 a year, while only 25% of men earned less than this amount.

While the gap is wide at the bottom of the scale, the same is true for the 10% best-paid employees, where women earn €38,000 or more, and men €48,000 or more.