Jailing of deposed ministers sparks outrage in Catalonia

'In prison for their ideas and for having stayed loyal to a mandate approved by Parliament,' says dismissed President Puigdemont

Carles Puigdemont at the Catalan government cabinet on October 24 2017 (by ACN)
Carles Puigdemont at the Catalan government cabinet on October 24 2017 (by ACN) / ACN

ACN | Barcelona

November 2, 2017 08:38 PM

The imprisonment on Thursday of eight deposed Catalan ministers by a Madrid high court judge has caused outrage in Catalonia political community.

Deposed Catalan president Carles Puigdemont reacted on Twitter by sharing a photo of the now dismissed Catalan government. The caption read: “the legitimate Catalan government, in prison for its ideas and for having stayed loyal to a mandate approved by Parliament.” Shortly after, he posted another Picture on his social media account of a massive pro-independence demonstration, writing that “those furiously promoting Article 155 want us in prison.” He further described the “calm call of Catalans” as being “for freedom.”

Also on Twitter, Mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau called the jailing of a “government democratically chosen at the ballot box” a “black day for Catalonia.” Colau also urged “a united front” for the release of “political prisoners.”

The leader of the Catalunya en Comú party, Xavier Domènech, demanded an “amnesty” for the eight imprisoned ministers who are charged with rebellion, sedition and the misuse of public funds on Twitter. “The worst that could have happened has taken place, what is needed is firmness and intelligence to overcome this moment,” he wrote.


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