2,344,828 people finally participated in the symbolic vote on Catalonia’s independence
The Catalan Government has released on Monday the definitive turnout figures of the citizen participations process of November 9, in which Catalans were able to cast their ballot until November 25. Finally, 2,344,828 people participated in this non-binding vote on independence, 2,305,290 of whom did so on November 9. After the main voting day, 7 polling stations remained opened throughout Catalonia for those who wanted to participate within the following 15 days. 80,91% of citizens voted for full independence from Spain; 10.2% voted for a Catalan State within a federal or confederated Spain; and 4.49% voted to keep the current Autonomous Community model or for the recentralization of powers. This symbolic vote was carried out despite the total opposition of the Spanish authorities, including criminal prosecution threats. In fact, Spain’s Pubic Prosecution Office, whose Director is directly appointed by the Spanish Government, has pressed criminal charges against the Catalan President, Vice President and Minister for Education for authorising and co-organising such a symbolic consultation process.

Barcelona (ACN).- On Monday, the Catalan Government released the definitive turnout figures of the citizen participations process of November 9, in which Catalans were able to cast their ballot until November 25. Finally, 2,344,828 people participated in this non-binding vote on independence, 2,305,290 of whom did so on November 9. 80,91% of citizens voted for full independence from Spain; 10.2% voted for a Catalan State within a federal or confederated Spain; and 4.49% voted for keeping the current Autonomous Community model or for the recentralization of powers. After the main voting day, 7 polling stations remained opened throughout Catalonia for those who wanted to participate within the following 15 days. 26,103 valid ballots were received in this 2-week period. In addition, 13,435 Catalans living abroad also voted in 19 Catalan Government’s offices distributed throughout the world to promote foreign investment and help companies to reach new markets. 400 people (0.01%) tried to vote twice and their ballots were eliminated from the results, since those voting after November 9 had to vote using two envelopes in order to allow the elimination of their ballot if needed. However, 30 people managed to cast their vote twice and their ballots could not be eliminated from the final results. Such a small margin of error was possible thanks to the work of the 40,000 volunteers who ran the participation process and an IT system that used official ID numbers and registered addresses to make people vote in a specific polling station and avoid them casting their ballot twice.
This symbolic vote was carried out by volunteers and organised by the Catalan Government in public venues despite the total opposition of the Spanish authorities, including criminal prosecution threats. 942 of the 947 existing municipalities in Catalonia also cooperated in the vote’s organisation. In the end, after almost two weeks of speculation, Spain’s Pubic Prosecution Office, whose Director is directly appointed by the Spanish Government, pressed criminal charges against the Catalan President, Vice President and Minister for Education for authorising and co-organising such a symbolic consultation process.