Catalan fruit fosters its internationalisation in Berlin

The Catalan Minister for Agriculture Josep Maria Pelegrí visited Berlin this week to greet the 23 Catalan companies that were exhibiting at the Fruit Logistica fair in Berlin. Catalonia has a significant fruit production industry and it exports fruit all over Europe.

CNA / Neus Pérez

February 11, 2011 11:52 PM

Berlin (ACN) .- The Catalan Minister for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and the Environment Josep Maria Pelegrí traveled to the German capital this week to make an appearance at the annual fruit and vegetable fair, Fruit Logistica. He visited the stands of the 23 Catalan companies that were showcasing their products in Berlin. According to the Minister, the internationalisation of Catalan fruit “is a great tool to exit the crisis”. He also stressed the urgency “to consolidate the internal market”. “Catalan products are valued and purchased all over the world” said the Minister during this official visit to the Fruit Logistica fair. He also promised to ensure that his department would do what it could to make sure that current austerity measures and budget cuts would affect the sector in the “least possible way”.

Josep Maria Pelegrí spoke about the positive implications of having Catalan fruit present at an international fair like Fruit Logistica. He commended Catalonia's strong presence at the fair for the years. “The fresh produce industry is a strategic sector for our country” the Minister stressed, adding how Catalan products are valued and are bought all over the world. The Minister spoke about the importance of exportation in times of crisis. He said that it could be an exit door for Catalan agriculture, but he asked listeners not to neglect the interior market either. Josep Maria Pelegrí assured that the Cataln Government would open its door to help companies out.

Catalan Exhibitors

The Minister visited all the Catalan companies grouped in one big stand such as Actel, Copa Trading SA, Exportadora de Agrios de Alcanar, Torres del Segre, Fruits de Ponent, Frutas leridanas SA,  Frulesa, Girona Fruits, Giropoma SL, Grupo Diego Martínez, Hawo Frutos and Mercabarna. Pelegrí also visited other Catalan companies that were exhibiting like NUFRI, Semillas Fitó, Kopfsalat Trade, Mercocamara, Grupo Lorenzo Carrasco, Cultivar SAU, Bioconservación SA, Hnos. Frndez. López, and Port de Tarragona.

No to subsidies, yes to the productive economy

The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and the Environment said that his department would work to make sure that budget cuts affect the fresh produce sector as little as possible. The subsidies for the sector will suffer a cut of between 10 and 15%. “I do not believe in the subsidiary system that gives grants for the sake of giving grants. I think we have to make the most of the money that we have now to invest in this sector, in the agricultural sector in general, in farmers and in growers”, the Minister said in Berlin this week.

The Minister ensured that his department "had a great economic content” because agriculture has to be protected and defended. Our proposal is that cut backs affect the productive sector in the least possible way. It should in fact encourage it. There is a significant growth in agriculture in our country”.


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