european parliament

The European Commission states for the first time that Catalonia’s independence would have to be negotiated at international level

August 30, 2012 11:29 PM | CNA

Until now, the EU was refusing to openly discuss the issue and was stating it was strictly an internal matter to be solved within Spain. The President of the European Commission, José Durao Barroso, admitted that “in the hypothetical case of a secession” of Catalonia “the solution should be found and negotiated within the international legal framework”. In this new scenario, Catalonia would not automatically be a member of the EU but this would be part of the negotiations. Barroso was ambiguous about the future of the European citizenship Catalan citizens currently have and said that “EU citizenship is additional”.

Martin Schulz: "In Europe, we lack imagination" and "leadership"

May 9, 2012 10:36 PM | Irene García Pérez

On Europe’s Day, CNA reflects the conference the President of the European Parliament gave in Barcelona last week. The German politician emphasised the importance of the Mediterranean Basin and its great economic potential; the historical moment we are living due to the Arab Revolution; the lack of leadership in Europe and importance of working for a strong European Union in order stay at the forefront of the political scene.

Martin Schulz asks the ECB to directly buy debt from Member States

May 3, 2012 12:19 AM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The President of the European Parliament is visiting Barcelona; coinciding with the European Central Bank Governing Council meeting that is taking place in the Catalan capital. Schulz asked Member States to be less focused on “budget cuts” and start “working together”, otherwise there is a great risk that the EU might end up “failing”. The German politician praised Catalan culture, and reaffirmed his will to push for Catalan being an official language in the Parliament he chairs. Schulz met with the Catalan President, Artur Mas, as well as with Catalan author Jaume Cabré.

European Liberals in Barcelona seek a “real Marshall Plan” for North African countries

March 30, 2012 10:34 PM | CNA

The European Liberals in the European Parliament have organised an international summit in Barcelona to discuss the Arab Spring within the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean, which has its headquarters in the Catalan capital. At the meeting, the President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, who is also the leader of the Catalan Liberal Party (CDC), asked the EU “not to turn its back on emerging democracies in the southern Mediterranean”. Furthermore, Mas emphasised the need to create jobs in the region. The European Liberals also urged the international community to take immediate action in Syria.

Schulz tells Mas he will “work hard” to permit the use of Catalan at the European Parliament

March 21, 2012 11:58 PM | CNA

The President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, met with the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, in Brussels. Mas told the press that Schulz had stated he would “work hard” to enable the use of Catalan at plenary sessions. However, Schulz did not confirm neither “any date” nor can he “guarantee that he would achieve it, as it does not only depend on him”, explained Mas.

Catalonia’s Supreme Court validates the current linguistic immersion public school model

March 9, 2012 12:02 AM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The highest Catalan court has clarified how to execute the sentence of the Spanish Supreme Court that had recognised the right of 3 families to school their children in Spanish and not in Catalan. These families will have their individual rights respected, but the current school model will not be changed. Catalonia’s education model has been validated twice by the Spanish Constitutional Court and has been in place over the last 30 years, guaranteeing full knowledge of both official languages –Catalan and Spanish– by all its pupils. Experts advise that the current school model prioritises the weakest official language –Catalan- following the principles of equal opportunities and social cohesion. The model has been praised by UNESCO, the European Commission and the European Parliament.

The European Parliament unanimously votes against Madrid-Barajas’ privileges to exclusively run intercontinental flights

February 2, 2012 09:44 PM | CNA

The Spanish Government has signed 23 bilateral agreements with other countries that fix Madrid Barajas as the only airport in Spain where their flights can operate. This discriminates against Barcelona El Prat Airport by not permitting it to have international and intercontinental connections. The European Parliament has unanimously approved an amendment presented by a Liberal Catalan Nationalist MEP from CiU.

The new President of the European Parliament will allow MEPs to address the plenary in Catalan

January 17, 2012 01:42 PM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

Despite being the 13th most widely spoken language in the European Union, Catalan is not an official EU language. Special agreements have been signed with all EU bodies to allow for the minimum use of Catalan; however, the European Parliament, representing EU citizens, is the only one where Catalan has been completely banned. The new Parliament’s President, the German Social-Democrat, Martin Schulz, is committed to allowing Catalan MEPs address the plenary in their native language. The measure will not represent any extra cost as many of the Spanish interpreters are Catalan, and can do both jobs.

MEPs from Catalonia request the European Commission to supervise the Catalan Government’s budget to stress transparency

December 20, 2011 07:43 PM | CNA

In order to foster transparency, almost all the Catalan Members of the European Parliament have asked the European Commission to supervise the Catalan Government's budget, and other “regions of systemic importance”. Catalonia’s GDP is as big as that of Finland and Portugal. MEPs from CiU, ERC, ICV, and the PP believe that this procedure will prove Catalonia’s reliability and rigour, and will subsequently have a positive effect on the international financial markets. The PSC is looking at possibly joining the initiative.

Josep Borrell asks the European Central Bank and Member State governments “to do the opposite to what they are doing” to save the euro

November 30, 2011 07:10 PM | CNA

The former President of the European Parliament, Josep Borrell, believes that the European Central Bank must buy sovereign debt and that governments need to implement budget cuts at a slower rate in order to avoid a drop in economic growth. Borrell also stressed that “the worst is possible”, and that they must act quickly. However, he added that “the euro will not disappear” but if some countries were left out, “it would be a problem for everybody” as “it would cause a big mess”.

The European Parliament considers the Mediterranean Railway Corridor to be "absolutely imperative and crucial"

October 10, 2011 11:45 PM | CNA / Albert Segura

The Chairman of the EP’s Transport Committee, the British MEP Brian Simpson, has stated that building the Mediterranean Railway Corridor for freight and passengers is “absolutely imperative and crucial” for the European economy. On the contrary, the third corridor going through the Central Pyrenees, linking Zaragoza and Toulouse is “not-viable and not-needed”. “Drilling mountains is very very expensive”, he warned. The Mediterranean Railway Corridor would link Central and Northern Europe with Spain’s Mediterranean ports by international-width tracks. In addition, it would include a high-speed train service for passengers.

The European Parliament warns that "to separate students by language would split the country"

September 8, 2011 02:28 PM | Albert Segura

The chairman of the committee on Education, Doris Pack, defends the Catalan model of education and says that people coming from outside Catalonia have to make an effort to learn the language of their new home: "It's like immigration in Germany, we do not have Turkish schools, newcomers need to get used to speak the language", she argued in an interview with the CNA.

The European Parliament passes a rule that may end labels only in Catalan

July 7, 2011 12:38 PM | CNA / Maria Fernández Noguera

A product labelled only in Estonian could be sold in Catalonia, but not a product labelled only in Catalan. The new rule authorises the Spanish Government to force all products in Spain to be labelled in at least one official language of the EU, and therefore ban products only labelled in Catalan from being sold within Catalonia. The new European rule aims to authorise Member States to prevent products from being labelled only in a non EU language, such as Chinese or Arabic, but it has consequences at local level. Three Catalan MEPs pushed for an amendment, but it was rejected.