Olot hosts over a hundred international experts in volcanic landscapes management

From May 21st to 25th the First International Congress about Management and Disclosure of Protected Volcanic Landscapes, Volcandpark, is taking place in Olot, in Central Catalonia. The event will project the Garrotxa Natural Park's Volcanic Zone.

CNA / Anna Corbatera

May 21, 2012 11:14 PM

Barcelona (ACN).- From May 21st  to 25th the 1st International Congress about Management and Disclosure of Protected Volcanic Landscapes, Volcandpark, is taking place in Olot, in Central Catalonia. More than a hundred specialists from all continents are participating in this first edition of the congress. The event will project the Garrotxa Natural Park's Volcanic Zone around the world and will allow Olot to become a leader in the volcano science and geo-touristic fields, according to the town’s Mayor, Josep Maria Corominas. The event is expected to generate about 200,000 euros for the local economy.

Planned activities include 53 presentations of specialists around the world, trips in the Garrotxa Volcanic Area, an exhibition called ‘The discovery of the volcanic region of Catalonia’ in Can Trinxeira and the projection of a documentary called ‘Home’ in Olot’s main theatre. In addition, there are activities for schoolchildren and their conclusions will be taken to the Rio Conference.

The congress will be organised every two years in different countries in order to create a discussion forum linked to volcanoes, volcanic areas and natural parks. The director of the Volcanic Zone of the Natural Park of Garrotxa, Xavier Puig, pointed out the importance of the event as it coincides with the thirstiest anniversary of the recognition of Olot as a volcanic zone.