Barcelona metro to return to run all-night service on Saturdays
From June 26 the Barcelona metro will resume its pre-pandemic timetable after 15 months of an altered service

The Barcelona metro will once again run its Saturday all-night service from June 26, according to an announcement made by the Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATM). This will be the first time that it has been able to return to its original timetable since the state of alarm was introduced on March 14, 2020.
However, the Ferrocarrils (FGC) and the TRAM services will keep their normal Friday and Saturday timetables, continuing to run until two in the morning. The AMB night bus and the Generalitat’s intercity night bus lines will also continue with their current services.
Despite upcoming changes to mask regulations from June 26, Barcelona Metropolitan Transport (TMB) has reminded people that it is still necessary to wear a mask on all public transport.
The new metro opening hours will be Sunday to Thursday, 5am to midnight, Friday, 5am to 2am and Saturday, all night.