25 Catalan officials sent to trial for independence case

Spanish Supreme Court indicts all of Puigdemont’s cabinet members, six former parliament bureau members, two jailed grassroots leaders and three former MPs

The last formal meeting of the Puigdemont cabinet on October 24 before being removed on October 27 (by Jordi Bataller)
The last formal meeting of the Puigdemont cabinet on October 24 before being removed on October 27 (by Jordi Bataller) / ACN

ACN | Barcelona

March 23, 2018 11:20 AM

Spain’s Supreme Court this Friday indicted 25 out of the 28 Catalan politicians under investigation in the independence case. This includes all members of the Puigdemont cabinet, six former parliament bureau members, three former senior MPs and two leaders of pro-independence civic organizations. The judge has indicted them for different charges, including rebellion for 13 of them. Under Spanish law, rebellion is a crime that implies an “uprising with violence” and carries a sentence of up to 30 years in prison.

There are currently nine pro-independence leaders jailed in Madrid and seven seeking refuge from the Spanish judiciary in other European countries.

Rebellion charges for 13 officials

Nine members of the Puigdemont cabinet, including the president himself and vice president Oriol Junqueras, have been charged with rebellion, as has the former parliament speaker, Carme Forcadell. Two grassroots leaders, Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart, are also indicted for the same offense, with Esquerra party secretary general, Marta Rovira. A few minutes before the judge issued the bill of indictment, Rovira announced that she had gone into exile.

Misuse of funds charges for all 14 Puigdemont cabinet members

The judge also confirmed that all the members of Puigdemont’s government will be prosecuted for misuse of funds. That means that Puigdemont, Junqueras, Rull, Turull, Romeva, Bassa, Ponsatí, Comín and Forn will face trial for both rebellion and misuse of funds, while Borràs, Puig, Mundó, Vila and Serret for misuse of funds. These last five will also face charges of disobedience.

Nine leaders might face a sentence of up to 38 years in jail

While misuse of funds can carry sentences of up to eight years in prison, disobedience is not a jailable offense. That means that nine members of the Puigdemont cabinet are potentially facing a sentence of up to 38 years behind bars, while the other five could find themselves in prison for up to eight years.

Bail of 2.1 million euros

With only three investigated Catalan leaders not sent to trial –former Catalan president Artur Mas and former MPs Marta Pascal and Neus Lloveras–, in all 25 officials were indicted on Friday morning. Some of them face prison and others milder sentences, but all 25 could be barred from public office for some time. Six of them are still MPs in Parliament, although one of them, Jordi Sànchez, has stated his intention to give up his seat in the coming weeks. The judge also set bail of 2.1 million euros to be paid between all of the deposed cabinet members.

Puigdemont cabinet

1. Carles Puigdemont (in Germany): prosecuted for rebellion, misuse of public funds

2. Oriol Junqueras (in pre-trial prison): prosecuted for rebellion, misuse of public funds

3. Joaquim Forn (in pre-trial prison): prosecuted for rebellion, misuse of public funds

4. Toni Comín (in Belgium): prosecuted for rebellion, misuse of public funds

5. Clara Ponsatí (in Scotland): prosecuted for rebellion, misuse of public funds

6. Dolors Bassa (in pre-trial prison): prosecuted for rebellion, misuse of public funds

7. Jordi Turull (in pre-trial prison): prosecuted for rebellion, misuse of public funds

8. Josep Rull (in pre-trial prison): prosecuted for rebellion, misuse of public funds

9. Raül Romeva (in pre-trial prison): prosecuted for rebellion, misuse of public funds

10. Meritxell Serret (in Belgium): prosecuted for misuse of public funds, disobedience

11. Lluís Puig (in Belgium): prosecuted for misuse of public funds, disobedience

12. Carles Mundó (freed on bail): prosecuted for misuse of public funds, disobedience

13. Meritxell Borràs (freed on bail): prosecuted for misuse of public funds, disobedience

14. Santi Vila (freed on bail): prosecuted for misuse of public funds, disobedience

Former parliament bureau members

15. Carme Forcadell (in pre-trial prison): prosecuted for rebellion

16. Lluís Corominas (freed on bail): prosecuted for disobedience

17. Lluís Guinó (freed on bail): prosecuted for disobedience

18. Ramona Barrufet (freed on bail): prosecuted for disobedience

19. Anna Simó (freed on bail): prosecuted for disobedience

20. Joan Josep Nuet (freed without precautionary measures): prosecuted for disobedience

Grass-roots leaders

21. Jordi Sànchez (in pre-trial prison): prosecuted for rebellion

22. Jordi Cuixart (in pre-trial prison): prosecuted for rebellion

Other officials

23. Marta Rovira (in Switzerland): prosecuted for rebellion

24. Anna Gabriel (in Switzerland): prosecuted for disobedience

25. Mireia Boya (freed without precautionary measures): prosecuted for disobedience

26. Artur Mas (freed without precautionary measures): not prosecuted

27. Marta Pascal (freed without precautionary measures): not prosecuted

28. Neus Lloveras (freed without precautionary measures): not prosecuted


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