Puigdemont: EU state not accepting election results would be “scandal”

Should the Spanish government accept a pro-independence party victory, the Catalan president would return to Catalonia risking arrest

Catalan president Carles Puigdemont speaking from Brussels at a press conference organized by the Catalan News Agency (by Blanca Blay)
Catalan president Carles Puigdemont speaking from Brussels at a press conference organized by the Catalan News Agency (by Blanca Blay) / ACN

ACN | Barcelona

December 12, 2017 01:43 PM

Spain must accept the results of the upcoming election in Catalonia —even if pro-independence parties win a majority of seats. This, according to president Carles Puigdemont. Speaking from Brussels in a live press conference organized by the Catalan News Agency (ACN), Puigdemont said that should Madrid not accept a  victory of parties pushing for a Catalan state, “it would be a scandal for a European Union member state”.

“If we can run in an election, but afterwards not apply our electoral program, it makes no sense,” he said. “If Spain does not accept the results of an election after setting the rules of the game, this would be shameful for the EU.”

Should Spain accept a victory of pro-independence parties, he would come back to Catalonia in order to assume his seat at the Catalan Parliament, and eventually be elected as president —even at the risk of being arrested.  


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