Call for the European Parliament to withdraw the European Citizen 2014 award from 'Societat Civil Catalana'

Many MEPs and different entities urged the European Parliament to withdraw the European Citizen 2014 award from 'Societat Civil Catalana', a Spanish unity association which has been repeatedly linked with extreme right organisations. Recent investigations also connected SCC's president, Josep Ramon Bosch, with Francoist Fascism and Nazism and Bosch himself has been called to Court accused of threatening pro-independence Catalan figures via a fake Facebook profile. The associations, organisations and public figures signing the 'Manifesto: Catalan civil society, for dignity' accuse SCC of "appropriating themselves of the common term ['Societat Civil Catalana'] which refers to the host of civic, cultural and social entities in Catalonia characterised not only by their diversity but also by their defence of democratic principles, Catalan culture and society as a whole".

SCC's former president, Josep Ramon Bosch, SCC's international spokesperson, Susana Bertran and PP MEP, Santiago Fisas, receving European Citizen 2014 award (by ACN)
SCC's former president, Josep Ramon Bosch, SCC's international spokesperson, Susana Bertran and PP MEP, Santiago Fisas, receving European Citizen 2014 award (by ACN) / ACN / Sara Prim

ACN / Sara Prim

October 30, 2015 06:22 PM

Barcelona (CNA).- 19 MEPs and many organisations such as SOS Racism, Catalonia Foundation anc 'Amical de Mauthausen' urged the European Parliament to withdraw the European Citizen 2014 award from 'Societat Civil Catalana'. They supported the joint manifesto 'Catalan civil society, for dignity' published this Friday, which accuses Spanish unity association 'Societat Civil Catalana' of "appropriating themselves of the common term which refers to the host of civic, cultural and social entities in Catalonia characterised not only by their diversity but also by their defence of democratic principles, Catalan culture and society as a whole". The signers denounce that far from representing these values, 'Societat Civil Catalana' has been repeatedly linked with extreme right organisations. Recent investigations also connected SCC's president, Josep Ramon Bosch, with Francoist Fascism and Nazism and Bosch himself has been called to Court accused of threatening pro-independence Catalan figures via a fake Facebook profile.

"We call on the jury of the European Parliament to withdraw the European Citizen 2014 award from SCC as we consider the apology justifying the Franco and Nazi regimes is incompatible with the values enshrined by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union" which "the award recognises" states the manifesto.

"We hereby express our concern about the evidence arising from investigations linking SCC with extreme right-wing organisations, as well as information published in the media that connect SCC and its president, Josep Ramon Bosch with Francoist Fascism and Nazism". Indeed, Bosch was summonsed shortly after resigning from his position as SCC president. He will have to appear before the court accused of threatening pro-independence Catalan figures via a fake Facebook profile.

The text also expresses the signers' outrage at the "appropriation" of the term 'Societat Civil Catalana', which means Catalan Civil Society. According to the document, it "refers to the host of civic, cultural and social entities in Catalonia characterised not only by their diversity but also by their defence of democratic principles, Catalan culture and society as a whole".

19 MEPs from 8 countries support the manifesto

Not only Catalan MEPs support the petition. Besides Josep Maria Terricabras, Ernes Maragall and Ramon Tremosa, 19 MEPs from 19 countries support the manifesto. French Green Party member José Bové, Scottish SNP representatives Alyn Smith and Ian Hudghton, Fabio Massimo from the Italian Five Star Movement, and Flemish N-VA's Mark Demesmaeker are also amongst the list of those who support the manifesto


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