Live music venues stage ‘the last concert’ to warn against permanent closure
Gigs to be streamed free online beginning at 8 pm on Wednesday evening

As a warning to authorities and society as a whole that they could be forced to shut permanently during the ongoing health and economic crisis, some of the biggest live music venues across Catalonia and Spain are holding one “last concert,” with no audience in attendance, and streamed for free online on Wednesday evening.
Some of the biggest names in the local music scenes are taking to the stages of some of the most iconic venues, such as Sala Apolo, Razzmatazz, and Sidecar in Barcelona, among others.
Bands and artists such as Dorian, Pau Vallvé, Amaia, Mishima, El Petit de Cal Eril, Ladilla Rusa, La Casa Azul, and many others will perform what they hope won’t be their last gig.
The concerts begin at 8 pm can be watched for free on the organizer’s website.
The live music sector estimates that across Spain, some 25,000 concerts have been cancelled since the beginning of the crisis, leading to economic losses of around €120 million.
Fifteen venues around Barcelona have already been forced to close, including Rocksound.
Prepareu-vos per un concert molt atípic que podria ser #ElÚltimoConcierto. El 18 de novembre a les 20h a
— Sala Apolo (@Sala_Apolo) November 10, 2020
Prepárate para un concierto muy atípico que podría ser #ElÚltimoConcierto.
— RazzmatazzClubs (@RazzmatazzClubs) November 9, 2020
El 18 de noviembre a las 20h en