Catalan writer Irene Solà wins 2020 EU Prize for Literature
Author is one of 13 awardees for 'Canto jo i la muntanya balla'

Catalan writer Irene Solà (Malla, Barcelona 1990) is one of the 13 European Union Prize for Literature awardees this year for her novel 'Canto jo i la muntanya balla' (I sing and the mountain dances). Her novel is set in the Pyrenees with humans, nature, and legends playing a key role.
The winners, which for the first time were announced solely online as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, were chosen by juries from the countries participating in the prize on a rotational basis.
The EU Prize for Literature recognizes the work of emerging fiction writers, and this year there were also young authors from Germany, Denmark, Belgium or Kosovo among the ranks.
Catalan author Joan Bensiu was among the finalists for his novel titled 'Serem Atlàntida' (We will be Atlantis).