Third Covid-19 doses approved in Spain for people aged 70 and over
Rollout will begin in late October, as booster shots are already being administered for care home residents and immunocompromised people

Spain's public health commission has approved administering a third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine for people aged 70 and over.
People will only be given their third dose after a period of six months have passed after their second.
Booster shots are already being administered to those living in senior care homes and people who are immunocompromised, but they will now be available for all people aged 70 and over.
The agreement says that the third vaccine to be administered will be messenger RNA technology, i.e. Pfizer or Moderna.
The aim, say sources in the ministry of health, is to "increase the protection of the most vulnerable people."
Vaccine rollout
As of October 4, 2021, 5,909,659 residents have been given the first dose of the vaccine, 74.6% of the total population. Out of those, 5,053,757 have also been administered a second dose (63.9% of the total population).
A total of 5,755,736 residents are considered to be fully immunized (72.6%). Under 65s who have already had the virus are only required to have the first dose, and others have received a single-dose jab. Therefore, the % of two doses administered and % fully immunized do not match.
Covid-19 vaccination progress in top priority groups