World canoeing championship means boom time for Sort

The presence of hundreds of canoeists and their teams in the Pre-Pyrenean town for the international event are making local businesses very happy 


A participant of the ICF Canoe Freestyle World Championships (by Marta Lluvich)
A participant of the ICF Canoe Freestyle World Championships (by Marta Lluvich) / ACN

ACN | Sort

July 3, 2019 12:19 PM

Until July 6, Sort in the Catalan Pre-Pyrenees is for the first time hosting the ICF Canoe Freestyle World Championships, and the event is making local businesses very happy. 

With 235 canoeists from around the world competing, the economic impact has been noted above all by hoteliers, with occupancy rates double what they were at this point last year.

One hotel manager said the occupancy rate last year was 27%, but shot up to 60% in the run-up to the championships, and now stands at 75% with the competition underway.

Tourist apartments in the local area have also seen a major growth in demand during the championships, with occupancy rates jumping by a third to 80%.Tourist apartments in Sort (by Marta Lluvich)

The mayor of Sort, Raimon Monterde, joked that such has been the impact that he should find a way of keeping the canoeists there for eight months of the year.

The ICF Canoe Freestyle World Championships kicked off on June 29 and goes on until Saturday, with athletes from a total of 25 different countries competing.

Accompanied by trainers and support teams, family members and fans, the canoeists have given a major boost not just to local hotels, but also shops, restaurants and bars. 

Monterde added that Sort's new canoeing stadium had cost about a million euros, and the council will make efforts to attract similar competitions and events throughout the year.


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