Pro-independence protesters shut down unionist organization event
Societat Civil Catalana due to hold meeting at University of Barcelona before protest disrupted it

The pro-union organization Societat Civil Catalana has cancelled an event set to take place at the University of Barcelona (UB) due to pressure from the grassroots pro-independence group CDR (short for Committees in the Defence of the Republic.)
Around 100 members of CDR entered the UB shouting “fascism out of the university.” The protest began before the event was due to take place, with members of CDR gathering slowly at the doors of the UB’s dean’s office. The group then decided to enter the building en masse, and made their way to the room where the unionist organization was to hold its event.
Inside there were confrontations between both groups as Societat Civil Catalana (SCC) members tried to prevent protesters from advancing further. In the end, they made it to the door of the event where they intended to disrupt it by making noise.
Tensions continued rising in the UB up until half past seven, when SCC made the decision to cancel their event and leave the meeting place via another door.
No political motive
SCC had organized the act at the university to discuss the life of Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547 – 1616) best known for his epic novel Don Quixote. Participants came from varying fields, including a historian from Paris who had come from the French capital to Barcelona specifically for the conference.
The unionist organization remarked that the meeting had no political agenda and could therefore not understand the reason behind the protest. They criticized the lack of security and the UB, for allowing CDR members reach the conference room.