Rajoy offers “dialogue” to Catalonia but always “within the law”

The Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy offered “dialogue and negotiation” to the new Catalan government that would form after the 27-S elections, but warned that this “loyalty” would be subject to legality and “always within the law”. He emphasised that if the Catalan authorities “are planning to break the law and make declarations that contradict the Spanish Constitution and the Catalan Statute of Autonomy” Spain will fulfil its duty and make sure that “the law is adhered to”. Meanwhile, former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar has blamed Rajoy for leading the PP into “the worst possible scenario”. In a communicate published through the FAES foundation, the PP’s think tank over which he presides, Aznar stated that the PP “can’t ignore” the “the fifth warning” that Catalans have sent to the party.

Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy at his official declaration this morning (by ACN)
Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy at his official declaration this morning (by ACN) / ACN / Sara Prim

ACN / Sara Prim

September 28, 2015 07:34 PM

Barcelona (CNA).- If the Catalan authorities “are planning to break the law and make declarations that contradict the Spanish Constitution and the Catalan Statute of Autonomy” Spain will fulfil its duty and make sure that “the law is adhered to”, stated the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy this Monday. During his institutional declaration after the 27-S elections, Rajoy offered “dialogue and negotiation” to the new Catalan government that would form, but warned that this “loyalty” would be subject to legality and “always within the law”. Meanwhile, former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar has blamed Rajoy for leading the PP into “the worst possible scenario” and urged the party to “start a process” and “do something” to redresssuch a “dangerous” situation.

Mariano Rajoy gave an institutional declaration this Monday to evaluate the results of the 27-S Catalan elections, which he described as simply “autonomous” despite the “plebiscitary nature” that pro-independence parties attributed to them. “We knew that those who wanted a breakaway weren’t supported by the law” he stated, “today we know that they aren’t supporters by the voters either”. He emphasised that less than “4 Catalans out of 10”voted for the “breakaway”.

Following this he sent “a message of calm” to Catalans, “to the rest of Spanish” and to those “who are interested abroad” in Catalonia’s push for independence. “We have to congratulate the Catalans for the high participation in the elections and for their maturity and democratic responsibility” considering the “challenge”, he stated.

Spain will make sure that “the law is adhered to”

Rajoy offered “collaboration” to the new government in Catalonia, but which will always be “within the law” and with “institutional respect”. “Spain’s government will continue to guarantee that the rule of law is respected as well as the equality, rights and freedoms of all Spaniards”. “There isn’t any president in any democratic society who would tolerate breaking the law” and added that “the aspirations of some were, and still are, outside the law”. Rajoy also warned that if the Catalan authorities “are planning to break the law and make declarations that contradict the Spanish Constitution and the Catalan Statute of Autonomy”, Spain will fulfil its duty and make sure that “the law is adhered to”.

Willing to reach agreements with PSOE and Ciutadans

Rajoy admitted that he had already talked to the leaders of Spanish Socialist Party PSOE and Ciutadans, Pedro Sánchez and Albert Rivera, after the 27-S elections. He emphasised that the PP “coincides” with these two partieson “substantial” issues. “Any party will put the basis of coexistence in doubt” and added that “it is good to talk”.

Former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar blamesRajoy

Former Spanish Prime Minister, José María Aznar has blamed Rajoy for leading the PP into “the worst possible scenario” and urged the party to “start a deep process of reflection” and start working on “the consequences” of the 27-S elections’ results. “The Catalan process continues and it will continue in a more radical way, as the radicals are stronger now” he warned, referring to CUP. In a communicate published through the FAES foundation, the PP’s think tank over which he presides, Aznar stated that the PP “can’t ignore” the “the fifth warning” that Catalans have sent to the party. “Your opponent on the left is stronger, the secessionists continue with their process and your space got smaller” he admitted, “the PP situation has been seriously compromised”.

No reforms of the Constitution

“There is nothing more dangerous than having an existential problem which risks the continuity of the nation” warned Aznar and added that now “there can’t be any doubt; neither for those who receive the message, nor for those who send it”. “The constitutional order must be reaffirmed”, he concluded. He also criticised the PP’s way of doing politics. “The only battle lost is that which you don’t fight” he stated and highlighted that in Spain “there has been only one team playing” in the last few years and this team “has gained ground”. Following this, he emphasised the necessity to “defend and broaden the constitutional space in Catalonia”. “It is a very interesting moment to rearm the constitutional movements in Catalonia” he declared “but if the parties who defend the Constitution start discussing about federal states, third ways and reforms of the Constitution, we will make a huge step back”.


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