Independence trial protest organizers celebrate a “historic” march in Madrid
Protest deemed as a ”wall” made by “all the peoples of Spain” against intolerance and hate

Organizers of the protest against the Catalan trial have celebrated a “historic” march in Madrid in a “context of political repression”. For the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) president Elisenda Paluzie this demonstration showed the unity of “all the peoples of Spain” for the right to self-determination. The vicepresident of Omnium Cultural, Marcel Mauri, deemed the protest as a “wall” against intolerance and hate.
Thousands of people rallied against the ongoing independence trial on Saturday through Paseo de Prado – the symbolic and geographical heart of the Spanish capital – under the banners "Self-determination is not a crime" and "Democracy is about deciding".
“Although you don’t share the independence call, you respect that we have the right to decide it”, thanked Paluzie to demonstrators from across Spain.
Political leaders speeches
The Catalan president Quim Torra asked Spain to look within and contemplate self-criticism and to consider the right to self-determination. “Spain, listen to this call for freedom”, said the poet Joan Maragall. The Speaker of the Parliament Roger Torrent alerted Spanish citizens that “after those who seek independence,” the attack against fundamental rights “could affect anyone”.
“Tomorrow it could be the feminists, trade unionists or ecologists”, he warned.
The Deputy Mayor of Barcelona, Gerardo Pisarello, also joined the march to show “gratitude” to all people outside Catalonia that support “dialogue, fundamental rights and democracy” to solve this political crisis. According to him, there is an increasing number of unionists who “understand that this is a question of basic rights”.
The far-left CUP leader Carles Riera believes that the rally has defended everyone who “suffer from repression in their fight for social, economic, civil and political rights.”