European Alternative left-wing parties meet in Barcelona at the 1st Southern Europe Forum

Barcelona plays host this weekend to the 1st Southern Europe Forum, under the slogan '#southrEUvolution'. Politicians from the European Alternative Left-wing parties and the leaders of the main social movements will meet in Catalonia to broaden political alliances. The main objective of the meeting is to create alternative policies for the south of Europe, different to the austerity measures promoted by the Troika. The forum has been promoted by the Catalan Green Socialist and post-Communist coalition ICV-EUiA, with the support of the Spanish United Left Party (IU) and the Greek Alternative Left Party Syriza. At the forum leading MEPs such as Pascal Durand, from the French Green Party and the European Green Party (EGP) co-president Monica Frassoni will also be present.  

Dolors Camats and Joan Josep Nuet a few days ago (by B. Fuentes)
Dolors Camats and Joan Josep Nuet a few days ago (by B. Fuentes) / ACN / Eloy Jorge

ACN / Eloy Jorge

January 23, 2015 05:27 PM

Barcelona (CNA). Politicians from the European Alternative Left-wing parties and the leaders of the main social movements will meet this weekend in Barcelona. Under the slogan '#southrEUvolution', the 1st Southern Europe Forum will be held to create alliances and propose alternative policies for Southern Europe, different from the austerity measures promoted by the Troika. The forum has been promoted by the Catalan Green Socialist and the post-Communist coalition ICV-EUiA and the Spanish United Left Party IU, with the support of the Greek Alternative Left Party Syriza, which could win the upcoming Greek General Elections, according to the polls. At the forum, MEPs such as Pascal Durand, from the French Green Party and the European Green Party (EGP) co-president Monica Frassoni will also be present.  

The forum will be held this Friday and Saturday, just one day before the Greek General Elections where, according to the polls, alternative left part Syriza may win. For the National Coordinator of the Catalan Green Socialist party, Dolors Camats, the triumph of Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras in Greece could be the first for alternative left-wing parties in Western Europe. The forum aims to start the ‘Southern Europe Revolution’ to defeat the Troika. The meeting will host some conferences to discuss public debt, social inequalities and human rights and migrations.

Besides these international representatives, the forum will also feature the presence of the leader of the Spanish United Left (IU), Cayo Lara, leaders of the ICV-EUiA Dolors Camats, Joan Herrera, Joan Josep Nuet, and MEP Ernest Urtasun. Yannis Milios is expected to assist at the meeting, representing Syriza.