Center-right former mayor Trias takes Barcelona in tight three-horse race 

Trias per Barcelona win 11 seats, Socialists 10 and Ada Colau's Barcelona En Comú 9 

Xavier Trias celebrates with supporters as he moves ahead of mayoral rivals Collboni and Colau during the count
Xavier Trias celebrates with supporters as he moves ahead of mayoral rivals Collboni and Colau during the count / Jordi Borràs
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

May 28, 2023 10:41 PM

May 29, 2023 12:48 PM

Trias per Barcelona has triumphed in an extremely tight three-horse race in the Catalan capital, winning 11 seats on the local council, ahead of the Socialists on 10 and incumbent mayor Ada Colau's Barcelona En Comú on 9, with 100% of the vote counted.

Esquerra Republicana (ERC) ended up with 5 councilors, the conservative People's Party on 4 and far-right Vox on 2, the first time they secured local government representation in Barcelona. 

The center-right, pro-independence Xavier Trias was mayor from 2011 until 2015, before being replaced by left-wing Colau for the last eight years.

Although Trias topped the poll, whoever manages to command a majority in the 41-member chamber will be elected mayor. Jaume Collboni of the Socialists may seek to form a majority through an alliance with Barcelona En Comú and ERC.

Junts celebrate

Trias, who has the backing of Junts, the party founded by former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, addressed jubilant supporters on Sunday night as it became clear that he would emerge on top.

Residents "will have a mayor who will work with everyone and will try to make Barcelona better," he said.


Socialists could seek mayoralty 

Although they came in second place, Socialists candidate Collboni hinted he could make a bid for mayor, saying he would not rule anything out. 

"Barcelona has voted for a new era, and it has been a progressive vote. The Catalan Socialist Party is not renouncing anything. Barcelona's best years are yet to come." 

Collboni has served as deputy mayor since 2019.

Colau: Proud to be mayor 

Colau, who looks certain to be replaced as mayor after coming in third, said she was "proud to be mayor these past eight years." 

"We came to change the agenda, change priorities, show that the impossible can be done," the city's first female leader told her supporters. 

After congratulating Trias and the Socialists, she defended her party's results, losing one coucilor, from 10 to 9, "in a context of constant noise." 


"We've changed the agenda of the city, more green, more just, more feminist." 

Colau called on the Socialists and ERC to enter talks over the formation of a "progressive" local government. 

ERC lose half of their councilors

Ernest Maragall, Esquerra's candidate for mayor, dropped to fourth place after topping the poll four years ago. 

The governing party in Catalonia ended up with 5 seats, half of their 2019 total. 


"What we must do now is make ourselves available to the city," Maragall said. "We will continue to put all our proposals for progress on the table." 

PP double representation 

The People's Party doubled their representation in city hall, winning four seats on the council. 

"The People's Party has returned, and it has returned very strongly," said Daniel Sirera, the number one candidate on the party's electoral list in Barcelona. 

"Ada Colau has lost the elections, and that alone is great news for Barcelona," Sirera said. 

With Ciudadanos and Valents failing to get any councilors elected in Barcelona, Sirera addressed their voters: "The PPwill defend your principles and ideas at Barcelona city hall always, every day." 

Far-right Vox breakthrough 

Far-right Vox's gains across Catalonia were felt in the capital as they picked up two council seats for the first time. 

Their top candidate in Barcelona, Gonzalo de Oro, said they were now "one of the big parties." 

While pleased with their breakthrough he said it was "not a day to celebrate because our aim was to eradicate the politics of the left and separatism." 


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