The Innovation in the cultural sector, the focus of Manresa Mediterranean Fair

Manresa, a small city 50 kilometres away from Barcelona, will host this week host the 18th edition of 'Fira Mediterrània' ('Mediterranean Fair') a professional meeting oriented toward analysinge and improvinge the cultural sector in Catalonia. This year’s' edition will focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. Throughout the 10 sessions programmed from the 15th to the 17th of October the potentiality of culture in the social, economic, urban and communitarian areas will be discussed and the relationship between popular cultural and social actions will be analysed. The venue 'La Llotja' will also host meetings between artists and programmers, national and international companies' showcases and 200 'speed datesings', quick meetings between professionals.

Official presentation of 'Fira Mediterrània de Manresa' last September (by ACN)
Official presentation of 'Fira Mediterrània de Manresa' last September (by ACN) / ACN / Sara Prim

ACN / Sara Prim

October 15, 2015 04:19 PM

Manresa (CNA).- Innovation in the cultural sector will be the main focus of the 18th edition of 'Fira Mediterrània de Manresa' ('Manresa Mediterranean Fair'), a series of professional conferences and showcases that will take place in the small city of Manresa. From the 15th to the 17th of October, the social, economic, urban and communitarian effects of the cultural sector will be analysed. The venue 'La Llotja' will also host meetings between artists and programmers, national and international companies' showcases and 200 'speed dates', quick meetings between professionals. The Fair will also include the participation of many Catalan projects and directors whom will share their experience.

The inaugural session of 'Fira Mediterrània de Manresa' will be held this Thursday and will focus on the international sphere of the cultural sector. Artistic projects based on social action abroad will be the focus of the first sessions of the fair, as well as the relationship between popular culture and citizens' participation. In the afternoon, Catalan professionals will present their initiatives. Jordi Oriol, Lluís Danès, Magí Serra & Marçal Ramon, el Palau de la Música, Tombs Creatius and Teatre Nu are the ones whom have been selected to share their projects.

Friday's sessions will revolve around two main topics: cultural marketing and entrepreneurship. Innovative proposals such as the festivals of inclusive arts and 'Cabal Musical', a project of musical entrepreneurship in the northern area of Barcelona, will be discussed, as will new skills to promote artistic projects and manage cultural equipment. To conclude the day, Israeli expert on entrepreneurship in the artistic field, Nir Hindi, will hold a conference.

Throughout the three days’ activities, professionals from the sector will be able to attend numerous artists' showcases, short exhibitions oriented toward facilitating contact between supply and demand. 'Speed dates' is another initiative oriented toward promoting contact and understanding between programmers, international venues and artists.

Promoting the networking

An example of how the Fair promotes networking is the 'International Networking Meeting', an informal lunch which will include the participation of national and international programmers and a selection of Catalan artists. This initiative had its first preview a few weeks ago in Barcelona. On that occasion, the artists selected were members of the European Forum of World Wide Music Festivals. The second part of the International Networking Meeting will gather together Catalan representatives of the performing arts.