Stay Homas, the Barcelona group serenading a world under lockdown

Roommates Klaus Stroink, Guillem Boltó and Rai Benet release "confination"-related songs every few days

Stay Homas perform their lockdown-inspired songs from their Barcelona rooftop terrace (Twitter @stayhomas)
Stay Homas perform their lockdown-inspired songs from their Barcelona rooftop terrace (Twitter @stayhomas) / Cristina Tomàs White

Cristina Tomàs White | Barcelona

April 21, 2020 02:24 PM

Being forced to live almost exclusively indoors these days hasn't deterred Barcelona-based musicians Klaus Stroink, Guillem Boltó, and Rai Benet from delighting the world with their original lockdown-inspired tunes every few days, performed from their Eixample rooftop.

"I thought 'corona' was a beer, I thought the 'corona' (crown) was for the princess…" The combination of witty lyrics – sung in English, Spanish, Catalan and even a dash of Portuguese – and resilient humor during these trying times has made the Stay Homas an instant sensation, receiving praise from all corners of the globe for their "confination" songs.

Even famed Canadian musician Michael Bublé tweeted one of their videos on March 22: "I don't know who they are but it put a smile on my face."

Reading the comments on their Instagram page, as well as their Twitter account or YouTube channel, one would only be able to conclude that the three have had a similar effect on the legions of fans who have been happily bobbing their heads to the beat from behind their screens.

The musical trio, which sometimes features recorded solo collaborations by other artists like Macaco, Judit Neddermann or María José Llergo, has been picked up by the international press, with pieces on them in CNN, The New Yorker or NPR, and has also been featured on Catalan comedian Andreu Buenafuente's 'Late Motiv' show.

While their success has gone through the roof over the past few weeks, the 20-something-year-old roommates aren't entirely new to the Catalan music scene either: Stroink and Benet play the trumpet and bass, respectively, for Buhos and Boltó the trombone for Doctor Prats.

That said, with a staggering 307K Instagram followers, 19.5K Twitter followers, and 52.2K subscribers to their YouTube channel, Stay Homas already has more admirers than their other two bands. 

Apolo, the legendary Barcelona concert hall referenced in 'Confination Song XIV', has already booked them for July 31 – pandemic permitting – but fans who haven't been able to get their hands on a ticket will be disappointed to hear their concert sold out in under 20 minutes, an impressive feat for a group who is yet to perform before a live audience.