Unemployment falls by 1,581 in February, smallest decline in 21 years
The number of people registered on the unemployment lists in Catalonia in February stood at 452,342 people, 1,581 fewer than in January, according to the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security. This February’s fall is the smallest registered for this month in the last 21 years. In annual terms, Catalonia has now listed 44 consecutive months of declining unemployment, since July 2013. Indeed, February has usually been a month with decreasing unemployment, except during the worst years of the economic crisis. The number of contracts registered in February stood at 222,369 units, the highest figure for the month of February since 2006. In the whole of Spain, unemployment also fell in February. There were 9,355 fewer unemployed than in January and the number of people without a job totalled 3,750,876.
Barcelona (CNA).- Unemployment in Catalonia fell by 11% in February in comparison to the same month last year, totalling 452,342 people. According to the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security 1,581 people left the unemployment lists last month, which represents the smallest decline for the month of February since 1996. However, with this fall, Catalonia has now registered 44 consecutive months of declining unemployment in annual terms and confirms February’s historic declining trend. The number of unemployed also fell in the whole of Spain. There were 9,355 fewer unemployed than in January and the number of people without a job totalled 3,750,876. Regarding the number of contracts registered in Catalonia in February stood at 222,369 units, the highest figure for the month of February since 2006.
This small decline contrasts with that registered in February last year, which saw 7,843 fewer unemployed, the highest decline in the historic series. Indeed, February has traditionally been a month of declining unemployment and 2017 represents the fourth consecutive year which saw a fall in the number of unemployed in February. However, between 2008 and 2013, during the worst years of the economic crisis, February registered a growth in unemployment, with 2009 being the worst year of all, with a record 23,730 more unemployed.
Decline in almost all sectors
The services sector was the economic sector which contributed the most to the unemployment decline, with 2,436 fewer unemployed. The industry sector registered its fourth consecutive month of declining unemployment with 706 fewer people without a job. Finally, unemployment in the construction sector fell by 1.52% in comparison to the previous month. On the other hand, unemployment grew in the agriculture sector.
New record for number of contracts
The number of contracts registered in February stood at 222,369 units, the highest figure for the month of February since 2006. From these, 14.8% were permanent while the rest (85.2%) were temporary.
Unemployment fell in the whole of Spain
Unemployment also fell in February in the whole of Spain. There were 9,355 fewer unemployed than in January and the number of people without a job totalled 3,750,876. This is 402,110 fewer unemployed in comparison to the same month last year, which represents 9.68% decline, the highest figure in annual terms in the historic series.
Regarding Social Security affiliation, it reached 17,748,255 people in February, which represents a monthly rise of 74,080 people, a 0.42% increase. In annual terms, February ended with a rise of more than 580,543 members, a 3.38% increase. This is the best annual rise since 2007, according to the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security.