Smaller Easter cakes for restricted social gatherings

Bakeries in Catalonia hope to return to pre-pandemic sales, but a reduction in size will make ‘Mones de Pasqua’ less profitable

Chocolate Baby Yoda figures at the Miró bakery in Castellterçol (by Estefania Escolà)
Chocolate Baby Yoda figures at the Miró bakery in Castellterçol (by Estefania Escolà) / ACN

ACN | Barcelona

April 4, 2021 01:12 PM

One of Catalonia’s strongest Easter traditions is the ‘Mona,’ a sponge cake neatly decorated with whipped cream and nuts, often featuring a chocolate centrepiece of an egg or a figure from popular culture such as Goku, Harry Potter, or Baby Yoda.

‘Mones de Pasqua’ were traditionally gifted by godfathers to godchildren during family meetings, serving as dessert to the often crowded reunions.

At a time when social gatherings are limited to six people outdoors and four people indoors due to coronavirus restrictions, bakers have been forced to adapt Easter cakes to current circumstances, notably reducing the size of the average ‘Mona’.