Girona’s trade fair launches new website ‘e-fira’

The Fira de Girona (Girona Trade Fair) has created a new website that opens fair doors for businesses all year round. The website already has 219 registered businesses and predicts 500 by the end of the year.

CNA / Sarah Garrahan

September 21, 2010 10:53 PM

Girona (ACN).- The Fira de Girona (Girona Trade Fair) has just premiered a new website that will allow the fair’s exhibitors to receive yearlong exposure. The website called ‘e-fira’ includes up to date information on all of the exhibitors and is much more than a simple business directory. “We wanted to show businesses that when they participate in the fair, they will not just have a physical presence but will be able to present their offers and promotions all year round online”, stated Anna Albar, director of the Fira de Girona.

With the introduction of e-fira, the Fira de Girona takes the traditional fair beyond its 3 to 4 day borders. The website creates a new space for businesses to virtually expand, offering offers and promotions through the web.

The new website has a very simple concept. When a new exhibitor contracts a space in the fair, the Fira de Girona creates a space for them on the website as well. E-fira is a directory of all the businesses that are exhibiting their products at Fira de Girona.

Each business has a personalised webpage that includes principal data such as its name, address, contact information, e-mail, photos, videos…But more than just a simple business directory, the website has an interactive aspect. The exhibitors are also able to see data from the users that access their pages. Businesses will use the website free of charge for its first year in operation.

Users can access the new website through the Fire de Girona website ( The Fira de Girona website has received a total of 49,500 hits since the beginning of the year, around 6,000 views per month. Of all of these, 66.42% were first-time visitors.


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