Employment in Catalonia reaches new record in June, with 3.8m workers registered

Unemployment falls by nearly 6,000 to lowest level in 16 years

Tourists in front of Barcelona's Casa Batlló
Tourists in front of Barcelona's Casa Batlló / Albert Hernàndez
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

July 2, 2024 10:20 AM

July 2, 2024 12:28 PM

Employment in Catalonia continues to break records. In June, 3.83 million workers were registered with Social Security, a new all-time high. 

The June employment figure is 0.69% higher than May and 2.4% higher than the same month last year, according to figures released by Spain's social security ministry on Tuesday. 

The number of jobseekers continued to fall, with nearly 6,000 fewer people registered, a decrease of 1.76%. 

In total, around 325,000 people are unemployed in Catalonia, the lowest figure in the last 16 years. 

The rise in employment is mainly attributed to the increase in hospitality and tourism ahead of the summer season. The industrial and retail sectors also contributed to the increase. 

However, the service sector still has the highest concentration of job seekers, with nearly 72% of the total being from this sector.

In Spain as a whole, employment also reached record levels, with 21.3 million people employed and 2.56 million unemployed. 

Catalonia led among the Spanish autonomous communities, being the first with the biggest increase in employment and the second with the largest decrease in unemployment. 


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