'Comic. Dreams and history' exhibition in Tarragona explores comics through time
The collection shows more than 140 original versions of Tintin, Mafalda and Marvel

A new exhibition in Tarragona's CaixaForum shows the original version of historical comics such as Tintin, Mafalda and Marvel.
From October 8 to February 23, more than 140 creations by authors like Quino, Richard Felton, Outcault, and Hergé will be displayed, among many other artists.
'Comic. Dreams and history' is an "unprecedented" display of comics: "Never before had there been an exposition with that many original pieces together and with this diverse view on comic's history from the beginning until the current times," Vicent Sanchis, the advisor of the exhibition, explained.
The exhibition has already been displayed in other cities around Catalonia and Spain such as Barcelona, Madrid, Sevilla, and Valencia, among others.

The display creates a chronological, themed and geographic story that shows how comics and the gender have evolved, as well as giving importance to the moment when it was created.
The title of the exhibition aims to mention the double condition of comics: "on the one hand as a tool to think about the present and the future" but also as the means to "create parallel realities, imaginary worlds and utopias".

Apart from the exhibition, there will also be other activities related to the world of comics, such as a performance by the musician Dani Nel·lo on October 29.
Tickets for the exhibition are free but must be booked in advance in CaixaForum's website.