
Unemployment falls in Catalonia for the fifth consecutive month

August 2, 2012 11:11 PM | CNA

Unemployment dropped in July by 784 people, which represents a 0.13% decrease compared to a month ago. It is the fifth consecutive month that the number of unemployed people has decreased in Catalonia, reaching 614,792 jobseekers. In the whole of Spain, unemployment decreased for the fourth month in a row, dropping by 0.6%. Long term unemployment and youth unemployment have decreased in Catalonia. However, compared to 12 months ago, general unemployment has increased by 7.8%. In addition, the number of indefinite new contracts dropped by 1.3% compared to a year ago.

Unemployment in Catalonia is down in second quarter and set at 20.95%

July 27, 2012 09:31 PM | David Tuxworth

Unemployment has fallen by 15,400 people in Catalonia during the second quarter according to the latest Labour Force Survey published this Friday by the National Statistics Institute. The overall totals indicate that 821,600 of the working population in Catalonia are unemployed at a rate of 20.95%, 130,700 more than a year ago. The state total shows an increase in unemployment in the second quarter, bringing Spain’s total to 5.7 million people without work, 24.6% of the working population. With nearly a quarter of the working population unemployed, the figures are higher than the historical record reached in 1994 during the last crisis.

Catalonia’s unemployment rate reaches 22.16% at the end of the first quarter

April 28, 2012 12:53 AM | CNA

Unemployment in Catalonia reaches a new historical record with 836.900 people registered as out of work. Spain’s unemployment rate at the end of March was 24.44%, reaching a total figure of 5,639,500 jobless people. The Spanish Vice President said on Friday that Spain is living “the harshest moments” of the crisis and that the data show that reforms need to be pursued. The Catalan Government criticised the Spanish Government for reducing the budget for employment policies by 56% due to be implemented in Catalonia in its budget proposal for 2012.

General Strike: irregular support, massive demonstrations, isolated violence and no changes in the Labour Reform Law

March 30, 2012 04:38 PM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The General Strike on March 29th ended without significant changes in the Spanish Government’s Labour Reform, but with a clear acknowledgement that there is growing social anger. The strike was unevenly supported in Catalonia. Unions talked about sector strike participation ranging between 97% and 57% and the Catalan Government about strike participations ranging between 24% and 10%. Minimum services worked as planned, without any significant incidents. Demonstrations took place in the main Catalan cities, with the largest in Barcelona. Isolated violent incidents were the only negative parts of what was a relatively calm day.

Quebec finds qualified workers in Catalonia

March 20, 2012 11:12 PM | CNA / Victor Paradis / Esther Romagosa

Representatives from the Quebec Government have organised sessions to advertise job possibilities in their region. They are mainly looking for workers with technical skills, mainly in the sector of civil engineering, healthcare, and IT. The Catalan Government reached an agreement with Quebec to strengthen the professional mobility of Catalan workers. The participation of Catalan companies in the plans for economic development of the Quebecois Government is also promoted.

Unemployment in Catalonia rose by 1.38% in February, the smallest increase for the month since 2008

March 2, 2012 10:36 PM | CNA

Unemployment has reached a new historical record in Catalonia, with 641,948 people being signed on. These figures mean that 8,738 more people were out of work in February compared to January. In Spain as a whole unemployment increased by 112,269 people in February. This is 2.44% more than the previous month and puts the total number of people registered as unemployed on February 29th at 4,712,098.

The Catalan Government reforms the jobseeker model

February 20, 2012 11:49 PM | CNA / Esther Romagosa

The plan has a €420 million euro budget for 2012 and aims to foster quality education by changing the current system based on subsidising training courses offered by job-placement organisations and municipalities for another model based on framework contracts and grouping the actors involved. The Catalan Deputy Minister for Employment and Labour Relations explained that the new plan would include specific policies aimed at young people, the disadvantaged, as well as for the sectors and territories hardest hit by the economic crisis.

Unemployment in Catalonia falls in December, but increased by 9.17% in 2011

January 3, 2012 09:04 PM | CNA

At the end of 2011 there were 614,244 people registered as unemployed in Catalonia, 9.17% more than a year ago. However, unemployment dropped in December by 1,425 people, after it stabilised in November, leaving September and October as the worst months of the year. In stark contrast to Catalonia, the rest of Spain experienced an increase in unemployment in December and 2011 ended with 4,422,359 people signing on the register, 7.86% more than at the end of 2010.

Transversal agreement in Catalonia to renew the labour relations framework and foster “negotiated flexibility”

November 29, 2011 12:30 AM | CNA / Gaspar Pericay Coll

The Catalan Government has signed an agreement with the main trade unions and business association to foster “negotiated flexibility” within the labour market. The aim is to provide companies with a greater flexibility framework while securing jobs. The President of the Catalan Government, Artur Mas, suggested the new Spanish Government follow Catalonia’s example of reaching an agreement with the social agents to improve the labour market.