david edward

Banning Catalonia from the EU would be "nonsense", European experts say

November 27, 2015 03:12 PM | ACN / Sara Prim

The Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia (DIPLOCAT) organised a debate in Edinburgh with outstanding European figures from the academic, legal and economic fields to discuss the challenges and opportunities of Catalonia's independence. "It is nonsense to imagine that part of a Member State could be directly expelled from the EU if it becomes independent" stated University of Edinburgh professor and former judge at the Court of Justice of the European Communities Sir David Edward. "Scotland had the chance to freely and legally pronounce on their political future and this is still the shared wish of the majority of Catalans" stated Secretary-General of Diplocat, Albert Royo. The director of the Centre on Constitutional Change, Michael Keating, and the Catalan Government’s delegateto the United Kingdom and Ireland, Josep Suàrez, also attended the event.

Catalan demands of a referendum and the EU role, centre of debate at the UCL

October 26, 2013 01:33 PM | ACN

The University College London and the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia conference on “Self-Determination Processes in the EU” was attended by more than 100 people. Scholars and public figures discussed the Catalan and the Scottish cases in relation to the EU. Honorary Director-General of the European Commission and Oxford Professor Graham Avery stated that the EU “should not get in the way of the people in deciding their future” but he admitted the situation in Catalonia was “less clear” than in Scotland. Professor Emeritus at the University of Edinburgh David Edward said it all depended on Madrid’s decision to accept or to reject the outcome of a referendum.