Unions organize partial strike on Wednesday against Gaza 'genocide'

Workers organizations call on Catalan and Spanish governments to break institutional ties with Israel

Trade unions CGT and Intersindical call for a partial strike on February 7 against the "genocide" in Gaza
Trade unions CGT and Intersindical call for a partial strike on February 7 against the "genocide" in Gaza / Natàlia Segura
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

February 6, 2024 04:15 PM

Trade unions have called a partial strike on Wednesday, February 7, to denounce "complicity in the genocide in Gaza" and demand a ceasefire in the Middle East.

"Those who die are working people like us," Laura Gomez, a representative of the trade union CGT, said at a press conference on Monday in Barcelona.

CGT and the Intersindical Alternativa union also denounce "the massacre" being done by "the state of Israel" against the Palestinian people, and say that this war has worsened "the living conditions of the working class around the world."

Organizers call on the Spanish and Catalan governments to "break relations with Israel."

The Intersindical union has called for a strike between 12pm and 2pm on Wednesday, while the CGT urges workers to down tools for the last two hours of the working day.

David Caño, a representative of the Intersindical union, has encouraged the workers to also participate in the various demonstrations organized in the afternoon in different parts of the country.

In Barcelona, the demonstration will take place in the Clot park at 6 pm and has the support of a hundred different social organizations, according to the organizers.

Unions have also called for a boycott of companies they consider "complicit" in the illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories, pointing at companies with Israeli capital such as Iberpotash as well as international chains such as McDonald's, Burger King and Starbucks, as well as Indra, IBM and HP for having supported or done business with Israel, they say.


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