Record 684m bus and metro journeys in Barcelona in 2024
TMB registered 215m passengers on bus and almost 469m on metro

A record 684 million journeys were registered by Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) in 2024, the company said in a statement on Monday.
The figure is 6% more bus and metre journeys than the previous all-time high, recorded in 2023.
The metro closed the year with a record number of passengers, nearly 469 million. On Sant Jordi's Day, April 23, 1.8 million metro tickets were validated in a single day.
The bus network carried 215 million passengers in 2024, 6% more than the previous year, and almost 2% more than the 211 million passengers recorded in 2019, when the previous record was reached.
Records fall
The bus network also surpassed other records last year. October, with 20.6 million passenger journeys, was the best month in the history of the network.
A record number of ticket validations was also recorded in a single day, 836,295 passenger on October 9.
October also broke monthy records on the metro, with 44.4 million ticket validations, exceeding the 43.2 million in May of the same year.
The president of TMB, Laia Bonet, celebrated these "absolutely historic" figures and thanked the company's staff for their work, "essential to cover the company's mobility needs."
Other records achieved during 2024 at TMB were the 1,704,688 validations on December 14, making it the best Saturday in its history.
On the bus network, a new maximum of Saturday passengers was reached on October 5, with 453,956 validations.
On the metro network, November 30, 1,298,504 validations, a record for a Saturday.
In addition, 2.5 million passengers were recorded on the metro or bus on Sant Jordi's Day, which is officially a working day.
As for Sundays and holidays, the bus network set a new record during the Diada de la Mercè, September 24, with 341,874 passengers.
Metro centenary
Barcelona metro celebrated its centenary on December 30, 2024. To learn more about its history and the stories behind some of the station names, listen to the podcast below.