Protesters take to the street against activists’ arrests
Around 4,000 people demonstrate in Sabadell to condemn the Spanish judicial acts

Following the arrests of nine Catalan pro-independence activists on Monday morning on suspicion of terrorism, rebellion, and possession of explosive devices, thousands of people have taken to the streets to condemn the arrests.
The pro-independence camp rejected the Spanish police operation during the day calling it “repression” and “banalization of terrorism”. Officials of several parties said the raids and the accusations are a “criminalization of protests“ aimed at dissuading rallies, but thousands took to the streets regardless on Monday evening.
Around 4,000 demonstrators gathered in Sabadell, where some of the arrests were made today, as well as in other towns surrounding Barcelona. Those arrested were part of the Committees for the Defence of the Republic (CDR) organization, which the public prosecutor labelled a "Catalan secessionist terrorist group."
Some 500 officers took part in the whole arrest operation, and according to the Guardia Civil, a "large amount of material" and substances that the police believe could be used to make explosive devices were found.
The detainees are accused of plotting violent acts, rebellion, terrorism, and possession of explosives. According to sources in the National Court, the pro-independence activists have been under investigation for over a year.
During Monday, two of the arrested were released with charges.