Catalonia ups hydroelectric energy production after increase in reservoir levels 

Production up over 50% in Catalonia compared to last year, 26% in Lleida

Water flowing from the Talarn reservoir
Water flowing from the Talarn reservoir / Marta Lluvich
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

May 10, 2024 09:33 AM

The increase in reservoir levels across Catalonia have allowed electricity company Endesa to increase hydroelectric production by up to 50% across Catalonia, compared to the first four months of 2023.

This has been achieved thanks to the volumes of the Ebre reservoirs (Flix and Riba Roja) increasing significantly after recent rains.

The ongoing drought, however, means that production is still overall 11.62% lower than the historical average.

In the Lleida hydroelectric plants, thanks to the increased water levels of the Segre, Garona, Noguera Ribagorçana, and Pallaresa basins, production has increased 26% in 2024 compared to last year. 

The increase in production is down to the fact that useful hydroelectric volume has risen by 15.3%, up to 440 cubic hectometres.