Jailed leader talks to press via videolink for first time since imprisonments
Jordi Sánchez says "nothing seen in trial" justifies detention of pro-independence leader

The main candidate for the pro-independence Junts per Catalunya candidacy, Jordi Sànchez, held a press conference hosted by the EFE press agency from the Soto del Real prison, in the Madrid region.
Sànchez's press conference is the first with video images since any of the pro-independence leaders were imprisoned in the fall of 2017.
"After 550 days in prison, this is my first opportunity to speak to Catalan citizens," he said shortly after the event began.
Currently facing trial in Spain’s Supreme Court along with 11 other politicians and activists, Sànchez is charged with violent rebellion for leading pro-independence protests when president of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) ahead of the 2017 referendum.
Independence trial "does not justify prison"
During his press conference, the activist also talked about the trial currently taking place in Spain's Supreme Court.
"I have the certainty that I am innocent, nothing of what we've seen in our trial justifies prison."