Catalan Green Socialist ICV-EUiA backs Greek party Syriza ahead of Sunday elections

The Catalan Green Socialist and post-Communist coalition ICV-EUiA has presented the manifesto 'Catalonia with Tsipras' supporting Syriza, the Alternative Left Party that according to the polls could win the upcoming Greek General Election. More than 2,500 people have already signed the document through The manifesto states that a clear win for the Alexis Tsipras party would be best for Europeans, in order to "initiate a necessary rebellion" in Southern Europe. The leaders of the main Catalan trade unions and some actors, writers and academics have expressed their support for the text. Barcelona will host a meeting focused on these elections on the 24th of January.  

Alexis Tsipras participated in an ICV-EUiA rally in the last Catalan elections, held in November 2012 (by N. Julià)
Alexis Tsipras participated in an ICV-EUiA rally in the last Catalan elections, held in November 2012 (by N. Julià) / ACN / Eloy Jorge

ACN / Eloy Jorge

January 22, 2015 09:43 PM

Barcelona (ACN).- The Catalan Green Socialist and post-Communist coalition ICV-EUiA has presented the manifesto 'Catalonia with Tsipras' supporting the Greek Alternative Left Party Syriza. More than 2,500 people have already signed the document through The manifesto states that a clear win for the Alexis Tsipras party would be best for Europeans, in order to "initiate a necessary rebellion" in Southern Europe. The leaders of the main Catalan trade unions and some actors, writers and academics have expressed their support for the text. Barcelona will host a meeting focused on these elections on the 24th of January.   

This meeting has been promoted by the Catalan Green coalition and will be held one day before the Greek General Election, so Syriza is expected to assist at the meeting. Joan Herrera and Josep Nuet, the leaders of ICV-EUiA, presented the manifesto ´Catalunya with Tsipras' which is co-signed by the Catalan General Secretaries of the trade unions CCOO and UGT, Josep Maria Àlvarez and Joan Carles Gallego respectively, which denounces institutions such as the European Commission and the German Federal Government for campaigning against Syriza.