'Trans', 'feminicidi', 'resilient' - new words added to Catalan dictionary
Institute of Catalan Studies incorporates 21 new words and 640 modifications to language

The Institute of Catalan Studies has presented 21 new words and 640 modifications to the dictionary of the Catalan language.
The new words added to the dictionary are as follows:
“Feminicidi” - meaning "feminicide"
“Cis” - as in, "cis", opposite of "trans"
“Cisgènere” - 'cisgender'
“Trans” - as in "transgender" and "transsexual" (Catalan words "transgènere” and “transsexual” already existed)
“Transidentitat” - "transidentity"
“Negacionisme” - "denialism"
“Negacionista” - "denier"
“Resilient” - "resilient"
“Acotxador” (a synonym of “aixecador”, which is the second-highest position somebody takes in a 'casteller' human tower)
“Arredonir” - "to round off" or "complete"
“Arredonit” - "rounded off" or "complete"
“Igualat” - "matched" or "equaled"
“Labialitzat” - to pronounce a sound more in a reduced manner to how it should be
“Lleument” - "lightly" or "slightly"
“Metabolitzar” - "metabolize"
“Mínimament” - "at least"
“Sobrecalfar” - "overheat"
“Desordre” - "disorder" or "mess"
“Destinat” - "destined"
“Esser” - "being" (a form of the verb “ésser”)
“Encoixinat” - "padded"
Definition modifications
Dozens of words have also had their definitions modified to provide new meanings.
This is the case for words such as "aplicació", "bipolar", "bruixa", "competitiu", "estratègic", "heterosexual", "homofòbia", "ibèric", "màrfega", "sidral", "resilència" and "sèrie".
Until now 'bipolar' only officially meant charging a battery, and now it has been updated to include a meaning of the mental condition. "Bruixa" ('witch') previously described little, and has been supplemented with a variety of exceptions.
In addition to the definitions, around 70 new idioms have also been added to the dictionary.
In a press conference on Monday, the Institute of Catalan Studies explained that they will publish a new online dictionary next year.
It will focus on the essentials of grammar and semantics and include 30,000 entries. "The dictionary should help us to understand words and write better," the secretary of the philological section of the Institute of Catalan Studies, Mercè Llorente, said.
Currently in a revision process, the dictionary will soon provide detailed information on transitive and intransitive uses of a verb, pronouns, masculine and feminine nouns, and expanded information compared to what can be found in the most popular dictionary.