Fans denounce ‘dangerously oversold’ Primavera Sound after opening night

Many took to social media to complain of “ridiculous queues” and “no access to water” after "terribly organised" festival returns after pandemic

Queues to enter Primavera Sound on the first day of the 2022 edition (by Violeta Gumà)
Queues to enter Primavera Sound on the first day of the 2022 edition (by Violeta Gumà) / ACN

ACN | Barcelona

June 3, 2022 09:37 AM


Primavera Sound is finally back after the pandemic, but many fans were left bitterly disappointed with how the first night of the “terribly organised” festival in Parc del Fòrum went. 

Many took to social media to denounce the “dangerous situation” as they felt unsafe in the “oversold” venue. There were reports of “very scary bottlenecks” of crowds trying to move from one area to another, and other reports of crowds of people being pressed together.

Many people also complained of a lack of security to help in these situations. 

Additionally, the lack of water available was another massive problem for many. People complained that bars would not give water, and pointed out that this was a particularly bad issue in a hot country where even at night temperatures stayed above 20 degrees.

Apart from the aspects of the festival that made people worry about their physical safety, there were also complaints about the sound quality at the various performance areas. As one fan put it: “Sound bleeding into other stages. Actual hell on Earth.” She later added that she become “so faint” due to a lack of water available that she had to leave by 11.30. 

Long queues prevented people from getting water, but the queues at the bar left people waiting what they felt was an unacceptable amount of time.  

Festival organizers responded on Friday morning to the criticism from fans, but only about "problems in the bar services" - ignoring the reports from countless who felt unsafe at the overcrowded site. Many fans are demanding a refund on their tickets.  

After the disastrous hydration situation on the first day, festival organizers have added three new free water taps spread out across the Parc del Fòrum venue.