‘I still dream about connecting a colleague to a respirator,’ says Dr Güerri

<p><span>"I was working at that moment in critical care as a doctor on call, and we admitted a colleague of mine in the critical care unit. We needed to connect him to a mechanical respirator. And I remember one of his last words, he told me 'G&uuml;erri, no me hagas esto,' like 'G&uuml;erri, don&rsquo;t do this to me'&hellip; I remember these words and I remember that moment, and I have dreamt many times about that moment. And, unfortunately,&nbsp;</span><strong>he died</strong><span>," Dr G&uuml;erri mournfully said sharing his life-changing experience going through Covid-19 in these past two years.&nbsp;</span></p> / ACN


March 12, 2022 01:03 PM