Gay couple recalls homophobic attack

<p><span>In the early hours of&nbsp;</span><strong>June 24</strong><span>, as the city of&nbsp;</span><strong>Barcelona</strong><span>&nbsp;rejoiced in&nbsp;</span><a href="../../../../../news/tag/Sant%20joan" target="_blank">Saint John&rsquo;s festivities</a><span>, Yuri and Andree were on their way to the Fontana metro station when a man stopped them and asked for a lighter. He then looked at them carefully, and said: "I&rsquo;m going to kill you, faggots."&nbsp;</span><span>What followed was an "</span><strong>extremely violent</strong><span>" aggression, which left them physically injured and psychologically shocked. "For a moment I thought we would not survive," says Andree, recalling the incident in an interview with the Catalan News Agency.</span></p> / ACN


July 19, 2021 04:58 PM