Aged 97, Spanish Civil War veteran says 'I do not forgive, and will never forgive'

<p>It&rsquo;s been more than 81 years since the&nbsp;<strong>Spanish Civil War</strong>&nbsp;erupted on July 18, 1936, following a military coup against the democratically elected left-wing&nbsp;<strong>Popular Front</strong>&nbsp;government. Yet,&nbsp;<strong>Miquel Morera</strong>, now 97 and still completely lucid, seems to remember everything from the moment he received an unlikely offer from his father: to join the Catalan government&rsquo;s&nbsp;<strong>Maci&agrave;-Companys column</strong>&nbsp;and fight side-by-side with him to defend the Republic. Morera said yes, even though he was only 16 at the time.</p> / Alan Ruiz Terol

Alan Ruiz Terol

July 20, 2017 09:46 PM