24-May-18 TV News: 'Spain seeks extradition for rapper Valtonyc'

Macro-raids across Catalonia for an alleged misuse of funds in the Barcelona region authority. 29 people were arrested and around 20 buildings were raided this morning across Catalonia during an operation involving hundreds of policemen. The reason: a public Barcelona authority might have given irregular financial aids to private organizations in the international cooperation sector. This, on exactly the same day as a long-expected corruption verdict affecting the Spanish ruling party was out. The People’s Party former treasurer was sentenced to 33 years in jail and a 44 million euro fine for a corruption scheme involving Rajoy's party. Also in today's news, Spain has issued a new international arrest warrant: this time, against a rapper sentenced to 3 and a half years in jail for his lyrics.


May 24, 2018 07:47 PM