21-Oct-17 TV News SPECIAL EDITION: 'Spain has pressed the nuclear button'

The dissolution of a democratically elected parliament. Taking control of the police, as well as public media. This is Rajoy's answer to the political situation in Catalonia, where leaders have been repeatedly asking for dialogue, and repeatedly been denied. It's a coup d'etat, according to the main Catalan parties. A suspension of democracy in the whole of Spain, in the view of Podemos. The Spanish government says it is not suspending self-government, but even mayors in Catalonia from the Socialist party, that in Madrid is giving full support to the decision, warned here that the measures are totally unacceptable. Meanwhile, once again hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets in a huge outcry of indignation at these latest developments, protesting the defence of fundamental rights. Here at Catalan News, we have all the details of this tense and eventful Saturday.


October 21, 2017 11:40 PM