Barcelona aims to raise percentage of population that eats local food to 40% in 8 years

Changing school menus, reducing obesity and promoting organic food among local council's goals

Barcelona mayor Ada Colau presenting her healthy and sustainable food strategy
Barcelona mayor Ada Colau presenting her healthy and sustainable food strategy / Blanca Blay
Catalan News

Catalan News | @catalannews | Barcelona

November 28, 2022 04:17 PM

November 28, 2022 05:28 PM

Barcelona wants to promote the consumption of locally-grown food among the population by the end of the decade.

The local council aspires to see the percentage of people consuming 'quilòmetre zero' food – a common Catalan phrase to describe locally-grown products – from 20% to 40% by 2030.

The city presented a 200-point program to reach this aim. According to mayor Ada Colau, transforming nutrition is "no longer an option, but a clear emergency."

Raising the number of people who eat organic products is also a priority, with the politician wanting to see the percentage grow from the current 14.5% to 30% in eight years' time.

"We want a food system that is healthy, fair, and sustainable to leave to children and which does not leave anyone behind," says Barcelona mayor, Ada Colau / Catalan News

One of the main aims of the campaign is to fight climate change, reducing the city's food system's carbon footprint by 15%.

Changing menus of at least 75% of primary schools is one of the planned measures as this is thought to contribute to another goal: reducing obesity.

According to the local council, 15.4% of the population is obese, a figure that needs to drop to at least 12% by 2030.