International Women's Day 2022: A guide to protests across Catalonia

Feminist organizations call for a strike and demonstrations on March 8

Protest planned on March 8, 2022 in favor of women
Protest planned on March 8, 2022 in favor of women / Cristina Tomàs White

Cristina Tomàs White | Barcelona

March 8, 2022 09:14 AM

March 8 is International Women’s Day, a date typically met with protests in Catalonia, and 2022 will be no different. 

While, for now, only the CGT union has called for a day-long strike on Tuesday - “Avancem lliures i combatives, ni un pas enrere!” (Let's move forward free and combative, not one step back!) - other groups have organized work stoppages throughout the day. 

These are the main women’s rights demonstrations this year: 


“Contra les precarietats, les fronteres i les violències, aquí estem les feministes!”

(Against precariousness, borders, and violence, the feminists are here!)

Organizer: Assemblea 8M

Where: Plaça Universitat 

When: 6 pm

Protesters will march to Arc de Triomf where speeches and performances will take place


Barberà del Vallès

Where: Plaça de la Vila 

When: 5:30 pm

Demonstrators will make their way through town before singing "Canción sin miedo" at the end of the march


Vilanova i la Geltrú

"Combatem les Opressions"

Where: Plaça de les Neus 

When: 6:30 pm

Demonstrators will begin to make their way to Plaça de la Vila at 7 pm



"Molt per defensar, molt per avançar. Seguim lluitant pel feminisme"

(A lot to defend, a lot to progress. We continue to fight for feminism)

Organizer: Plataforma 8M del Camp

Where: Plaça Imperial Tàrraco 

When: 7 pm




"La invisibilització i l'explotació també són una pandèmia"

(Hidden issues and exploitation are also a pandemic)

Organizer: Assemblea Vaga Feminista Terres de l'Ebre

Where: Plaça Barcelona 

When: 7 pm



"Fartes de sostenir allò insostenible"

(Tired of sustaining the unsustainable)

Organizer: Girona Coordinadora de Feminismes Anticapitalista

Where: Plaça U d'Octubre 

When: 6 pm



“Contra les precarietats, les fronteres i les violències, aquí estem les feministes!”

(Against precariousness, borders, and violence, the feminists are here!)

Organizer: Marea Lila de Lleida

Where: Plaça Ricard Vinyés 

When: 6 pm

Demonstrators will make their way to Plaça Sant Joan where speeches and performances will take place


La Seu d'Urgell

Organizer: Comité 8M Alt Urgell

Where: Plaça de les Monges 

When: 8 pm